sp home | contact | calendar | about | site map You need someone who can write a good story.

Lynne Duddy writes good stories, all kinds of stories about all kinds of things for all kinds of people. She writes stories that resonate with people on a fundamental level. She specializes in: Lynne Duddy is a communications strategist who knows how to maintain the authenticity of voice while tailoring content to different audiences. She is a creative who has the skill to make the tools (web, graphics, electronic publishing, video) carry the message seamlessly in a complete brand package.

                                       ... Lynne Duddy

Work Samples [click on sample to view] click to see larger view

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"Lynne Duddy exceeded my
expectations in her creative
approach to writing and
storytelling. She is very
personable, sharp and easy
to work with. I will hire her
again in a heart beat"

Yulia Smirnova
Product Marketing Manager,
sp sp

Building Strategy

Making Meaning


Creating Beauty

© 2011 Lynne Duddy                                                                 home | contact | calendar | about | site map
storyteller, story, story making, stories, brand strategiest, strategy, strategies, brand, marketing, marketing communications, communicator, leader, teacher, trainer, UX, ux, user experience, anthropologist, enthnography, ethnographer, ethnographic research, research, researcher, researching people, behavior, human, humanize technology, humanizing technology, narrative, personal narrative, narratives, personal narratives, monologue, speak, speaker, address, digital stories, brand management, lynne duddy, Lynn Duddy, Lynne Duddy, PST, Portland Story Theater, Lawrence Howard, Laurence Howard, lawrence howard, Portland storytelling, Portland Storytelling Guild, Pacific Northwest, Pacific NW storytelling, writer, writing, write, journalist, facilitator, workshop leader, workshop, workshops, story workshops, storytelling workshops, storytelling workshop, Personal Narrative Workshops, Urban Tellers, tellers, urban tellers